Islamist Front Group Buys More Ads

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Once again the Associated Press blandly refers to CAIR as an “Islamic civil rights group,” reporting their absurd unsubstantiated claims of “hate crimes and bias” while ignoring their Wahhabi roots, the openly stated sympathy of their leaders for terrorist groups, and the trifling little fact that three former CAIR officials have now been arrested in terrorist investigations. What’s important for the AP is to spread the message that we nasty Americans must be more tolerant, and stop committing “Islamophobia” thought crimes: U.S. Muslims Opens National Ad Campaign.

WASHINGTON - An American Muslim civil rights group is opening a nationwide radio and TV campaign Wednesday highlighting Muslims’ support for religious diversity and service to the nation.

“We believe Islamophobic stereotyping and bias will decrease when ordinary Americans of all faiths learn more about their American Muslim neighbors,” Omar Ahmad, chairman of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, said in a statement announcing his group’s campaign. …

The campaign was created in part to address the growing number of hate crimes against American Muslims, said Ahmed. There was a 70 percent increase in anti-Muslim incidents nationwide last year, according to the council’s latest annual report on the status of American Muslim civil rights.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations is the largest Islamic civil rights group in the United States, with 28 regional offices and chapters in the United States and Canada.

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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