Islamic Indoctrination of Children

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Two teachers at the Abraar Islamic school in Ottawa have been suspended for encouraging a student to write an appalling eight-page tale of murder, martyrdom, and Jew-hatred: Islamic school suspends teachers over student’s hate-filled tale. (Hat tip: Damian Penny.)

One teacher was apparently involved in the artistic production of the eight-page story of killing and martyrdom. Handwritten in Arabic and titled The Long Road, the cover page was illustrated by a drawing of a burning Star of David beside a machine-gun and Palestinian flag atop the Dome of the Rock, an ancient Muslim shrine in Jerusalem.

The other teacher had written comments on the student’s paper, praising the boy’s story of revenge for the assassination by Israeli forces a year ago of Sheik Ahmed Yassin, a co-founder of Hamas, in retaliation for suicide bombings against Israeli civilians.

“God bless you, your efforts are good,” the teacher wrote on the title page. “The story of the hero Ahmed and the hero Salah is still alive. The end will be soon when God unites us all in Jerusalem to pray there.”

On the margins inside the story, the teacher had written a note endorsing the boy’s fantasy of a young Ahmed Yassin and his friend, Salah El-Dine, ambushing Israeli soldiers.

“Without thinking, Ahmed took his M16 machine-gun and threw the bombs, and he showered the Jews; this resulted in the killing of the soldiers,” the boy’s text reads. “Salah said: ‘You killed them all.’ Ahmed answered: ‘Praise be to God.’”

The fantasy heroes are quoted at the end of the story saying: “We promise God and the heroes of Al-Aksa that we will continue the path, we will continue in spite of the difficulties and the hardships until the victory or the martyrdom, we will not surrender; we will fight for the sake of God until the end.”

The cover page of this enterprising young Canadian jihadi’s violent fantasy:

How many Islamic schools across the US and Canada are teaching similar violence to children? We don’t know, because mainstream media simply refuse to touch the subject. (But they have plenty of resources to investigate gay conservative reporters who get White House press passes.)

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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