The Nazimedia Morlocks Are On to Us

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You know you’ve arrived when the Morlocks of Indymedia are so infuriated they start spewing unhinged conspiracy theories like psychotic Tourette’s Syndrome victims: Little Green Footballs Stalk Indymedia.

How many bloggers can claim to be on the $80 million slush fund payroll of the omnipotent Chimpy Hitlerstein?

This “Rayra” character is a fanatic lackey of hate-site profiteer Charles Johnson, a failed musician who has found money in Muslim and Arab bashing on his vile “littlegreenfootballs” website, widely accepted to be one of the most nauseating sites on the web. Rayra and the other ‘Lizards’ as they call themselves are fools; they are helping Johnson get rich, although they don’t know it. Johnson gets well paid by ‘anonymous’ donors (Bush and Zionist cuttouts) from the $80 million PR slush fund of the far-right extremists who have hijacked the government.

This inane yet hateful babbling was triggered by a very interesting post from LGF operative Rayra, detailing the questionable hosting practices of Indymedia’s network of anti-American, antisemitic hate sites.

(Of course, the terrible secret of LFG is far stranger and more frightening than their puny Morlock minds can comprehend.)

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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