Britain Apologizes, UN Acknowledges Bosnia Failure

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With Sadness and Anger, Bosnian Muslims Recall Executions.

SREBRENICA, Bosnia and Herzegovina, July 11 - At a ceremony marking the 10th anniversary of the execution of about 7,000 Muslim men and boys here during the war in Bosnia, American and European leaders again promised that two Bosnian Serb leaders indicted for the killings would be brought to justice. But many of the 30,000 Bosnian Muslims who gathered here today dismissed the promises as empty.

“I don’t believe anymore that anyone loves us,” said Zada Pasalic, a 63-year-old woman whose brother was among 610 execution victims buried here today after being identified by DNA. “I lost my faith in them a long time ago. They promise so much and gave so little.”

In 1993, the United Nations declared Srebrenica the world’s first civilian “safe area,” stripped its soldiers of their heavy weapons and promised to protect the enclave. Three years later, Serb forces overwhelmed 370 lightly armed Dutch peacekeepers, seized control of the enclave and killed virtually every man and boy they captured.

At a somber ceremony under a gray sky that sprinkled rain on diplomats, mourners and graves, British and United Nations officials apologized for the failure of the international community to protect the town a decade ago. The British foreign secretary, Jack Straw, made the most direct statement, saying it was “a shame on the international community that this evil took place under our noses.”

“I particularly regret this,” said Mr. Straw. “And I deeply sorry for it.” [sic]

Mark Malloch Brown, a senior United Nations envoy sent to represent Secretary General Kofi Annan, said United Nations officials made “serious errors of judgment” in Srebrenica that stemmed from “a philosophy of nonviolence and neutrality that was unsuited for the war in Bosnia,” a brutal conflict that killed 200,000 people.

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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