Aussie Islamic Leader: “Jihad is Part of My Religion”

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Australian Islamic leader defends jihad. (Hat tip: Rocket Rod.)

The leader of a fundamentalist Islamic group in Melbourne denies he poses a threat to Australia but says it is okay for Australian Muslims to travel to Iraq to fight.

ASIO has confiscated the passport of Abdul Nacer Ben Brika, known as Abu Bakr, saying he is likely to prejudice the security of Australia or a foreign country if he goes overseas.

A number of Abu Bakr’s younger followers have attended militant training camps in central Asia and one is facing serious terrorism charges. Abu Bakr says he is opposed to the killing of innocent people but it would be against his religion to tell his students not to go to Iraq to fight against Australian soldiers. Abu Bakr says he rejects assessments that he poses a threat to Australia’s security.

“I am not involved in anything here,” he told ABC Radio’s PM. “I am teaching my brothers here the Koran and the Sunna and I am trying my best to keep myself, my family, my kids and the Muslims close to this religion.”

Abu Bakr says he teaches his students that it is forbidden to kill innocent people but it is okay for Australian Muslims to fight coalition troops in Iraq.

“According to my religion, jihad is part of my religion,” he said. “What you have to understand is that anyone who fights on behalf of Allah, when he dies, the first drop of blood that comes out, all of his sins will be forgiven.”

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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