UK’s Howarth: Disloyal Muslims Should Leave Britain

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The UK’s Shadow defense minister Gerald Howarth has infuriated the multicultural crew with his statement that Muslims who loathe the British way of life and feel no loyalty to Britain should leave.

Muslims opposed to the British way of life should leave the country, even if they are UK citizens, a senior Conservative said today. Shadow defence minister Gerald Howarth said that extremists who saw the Iraq war as a conflict against Islam should be considered as treacherous as Soviet sympathisers during the Cold War.

Mr Howarth also criticised remarks by Foreign Secretary Jack Straw and his own Tory colleague, Dominic Grieve, the Shadow Attorney General. Mr Howarth said the majority of Muslims adhered to British values and he described how the Union Flag had been flown at a meeting he had with Muslims over the weekend.

But the Aldershot MP compared those who despised the British way of life with the traitors who spied for the USSR. “If they don’t like our way of life, there is a simple remedy - go to another country, get out,” Mr Howarth told The Scotsman newspaper.

Asked what if those people were born in Britain, Mr Howarth replied: “Tough. If you don’t give allegiance to this country, then leave.”

The usual perpetually offended victimhood groups are blowing a gasket, of course, and Scott Burgess looks at the distortions and faux outrage issuing from the Muslim Association of Britain and the Muslim Council of Britain.

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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