Guardian Journalist Quickly Released

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Guardian journalist Rory Carroll was freed by the “holy warriors” today, into the hands of Ahmad Chalabi: Freed Guardian journalist wants to work on in Iraq.

BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Guardian journalist Rory Carroll, freed on Thursday after 36 hours in the hands of Baghdad kidnappers, said he wanted to go on reporting on Iraq.

“The next move is unclear but I would like to report on Iraq in the future,” the 33-year-old correspondent for the London newspaper told Reuters by telephone shortly after his release.

He said he did not know who was responsible for snatching him on Wednesday; Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Chalabi was present when he was released after a day and a half in darkness.

“I don’t know who took me,” Carroll said. “I was released about an hour ago. I’m fine. I was treated reasonably well,” he added. “I spent the last 36 hours in the dark. I was released into the hands of Dr. Chalabi.”

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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