Indonesian Schoolgirl Beheaders Get Wrist Slaps, Drug Smugglers Death

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The Indonesian monsters who slaughtered and decapitated three Christian schoolgirls, and claimed it was done as an act of “Islamic charity,” were given disgracefully light sentences today in Jakarta: 20 years for the leader, 14 years for the accomplices. Given Indonesia’s history of releasing Islamic terrorists who’ve only served a fraction of their time, don’t be surprised if we see them out again in a few months.

And note that even beheading school girls doesn’t qualify you for the “terrorist” label, according to the Associated Press.

JAKARTA, Indonesia - Three Islamic militants were found guilty Wednesday of decapitating three Christian schoolgirls in Indonesia and dumping their bloodied heads in nearby villages, judges said. They were sentenced to between 14 and 20 years.

The alleged members of the al Qaida-linked Jemaah Islamiyah network left a handwritten note close to the bodies of the teenagers, vowing more killings to avenge the deaths of Muslims in earlier sectarian violence on Sulawesi island.

“Wanted — 100 more heads,” said Judge Lilik Mulyadi, reciting the letter’s text. “Blood must be paid with blood, lives with lives, heads with heads.”

Hasanuddin, 34, who goes by a single name, was sentenced to 20 years for masterminding the 2005 attack, and co-conspirators Lilik Purnomo, 28, and Irwanto Irano, 29, each got 14 years, he said. …

The three militants had faced a maximum penalty of death by firing squad, but judges ruled that they deserved some leniency for cooperating with authorities, confessing and showing remorse.

Publius Pundit notes that there are currently Westerners under death sentence in Indonesia for drug smuggling.

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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