Videos: Vlaams Belang and Vlaams Blok

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Well, I’m certainly not going to make any new friends with this post, but here are some more videos on the Flemish Vlaams Belang party and Filip DeWinter, to further support my case that the European anti-Islamization movement is making a mistake by allowing this group to participate.

Exhibit 1: a recent video of an interview with Filip Dewinter discussing Turkey and the EU, where we see what is undoubtedly a white power statue on his bookshelf. It’s near the end of this short clip. (Hat tip: BruxellesBlog.)

Youtube Video

Exhibit 2: a video in which DeWinter is seen giving a speech unequivocally stating that the Vlaams Belang is equal to the banned Vlaams Blok party.

Youtube Video

A translation of a portion of the above video, from LGF reader Peter Verkooijen:

Filip Dewinter: ‘Up with the Flemish power. Up with the Flemish power. The traditional parties have moved to the left, while the Vlaams Blok, Vlaams Belang - for me still one and the same party - has remained true to itself. … The Vlaams Belang is the only dam against the islamization and foreignization (vervreemding) of our big cities. That was true yesterday, today and I tell you now it won’t be any different in 2012. … Promoting tolerance is easy and yes, I’m in favor of streets without hate, but together with many Flemish I’m also in favor for streets without jihad.’

Exhibit 3: an earlier video of DeWinter in front of a Vlaams Blok banner. This one speaks for itself.

Youtube Video

Translation, again from Peter Verkooijen:

Filip Dewinter: ‘Yes, the Vlaams Blok (Flemish Block) chooses our own people first (slogan: Eigen Volk Eerst). And yes, the Vlaams Blok chooses a Flemish Flanders. And yes, the Vlaams Blok chooses a white Europe.’

Houston, we have a problem.

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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