Flying Pig Alert: Guardian Editor Apologizes for Jenin Coverage

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Ladies and gentlemen, the flying pig has left the hangar, because the editor of the Guardian newspaper actually apologized for the sickening anti-Israel bias of his rag: ’Guardian’ editor apologizes for Jenin editorial.

The editor of The Guardian newspaper had the last word at the Jewish Book Week’s closing session on Sunday night when he apologized for his publication’s controversial editorial following Israel’s incursion into the Jenin refugee camp in 2002.

Alan Rusbridger, the Guardian’s editor, was speaking together with former Haaretz editor David Landau about reporting in the Middle East to a crowd of about 600 people when he responded to a question from the audience about the Israeli incursion into Jenin in April 2002.

In response to his publication’s coverage of the operation, Rusbridger said it was unfair to blame the reporter. Following Operation Defensive Shield in 2002, the Guardian’s editorial commented in its April 17 edition that: “Israel’s actions in Jenin were every bit as repellent as Osama Bin Laden’s attack on New York on September 11.”

“I take full responsibility for the misjudgment,” Rusbridger said. And during a response to a later question, he apologized for the editorial on Jenin - unprompted.

This will be a short flight for the avian porker, however, because you can be quite sure that this apparent change of heart will have absolutely no long-term effect on the Guardian’s far-left bias.

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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