Daily Kos: Progressives Who Hate Israel

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On Israel’s 60th anniversary, the progressives at Daily Kos are letting their true feelings come out: Daily Kos: In response to ‘Progressives do not like Israel’..

Notice that this diary post is by “abesilberstein.”

There was a post today , Which talked about progressives not liking Israel.

Israel is unfortunately a State of political and religious chaos. I have seen the oppression myself , I have been to Israel and I see why progressives like myself would not like their policies. Did you know you can not get married in Israel till it gets approved by the chief rabbi! And of course we know they treat non-orthodox or non Jews like crap. But they do recognize gay marriages if they were made outside of the country (Hey thats better then Texas!).

Below is a video of a riot in Israel against a 2005 gay pride parade in Jerusalem ( Look at those ass holes!)

Another reason why progressives dislike Israel’s policies , Is because they have a fixation with walling people into areas with no recourses (EX. Gaza , West Bank.). So this is not antisemitism it is anti oppression , And pro normalcy.

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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