Mark Lloyd: ‘I Am Not at the FCC to Restore the Fairness Doctrine ‘

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Another target for the far right lately (led by Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh, of course) has been FCC Chief Diversity Officer Mark Lloyd, and a few days ago he fired back at the smear campaign: FCC’S Lloyd Blames ‘Right-Wing Smear Machine’ for Distorting Views.

He said, “Allow me to clear away some mud: I am not a Czar appointed by President Obama. I am not at the FCC to restore the Fairness Doctrine through the front door or the back door, or to carry out a secret plot funded by George Soros to get rid of Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, or any other conservative talk show host. I am not at the FCC to remove anybody, whatever their color, from power. I am not a supporter of Hugo Chavez.” Lloyd called the “campaign” against him “incredible” and said it has generated “hate mail and death threats.”

Lloyd said his writing shows “that my focus, my long-standing interest, is not Limbaugh, Beck, or [Lou] Dobbs, it is not the right-wing haters.” He continued, “My focus has long been the health of the American republic and what I see as the central role of communications policy in that republic.”

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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