Norris at WND: Obama’s Sekrit Vault

Weird • Views: 4,150

Last seen at LGF with a strange op-ed arguing that if “Mother Mary” had Obamacare she would have aborted God, Chuck Norris is back with an even more whacked out sequel for World Net Daily: Obama’s secret vault.

Yes, that’s right. Chuck thinks the dreaded Executive Order 12425 will give Interpol the ability to violate our sovereignty and create a sekrit vault to hide Obama’s sekrit records about the War on Terror that the American public must never know, such as the fact that he’s a sekrit Muslim.

Is it merely coincidental that Obama signed this executive Interpol order and that he often goes out of his way to sympathize with and advocate pro-Muslim culture, beliefs and issues?

It’s getting a little difficult to tell if WND actually intends us to take people like Norris seriously, or if they’ve mutated into a berserk right wing version of the Weekly World News.

Also see Michael Isikoff: Chuck Norris Hunts for Obama’s ‘Secret Vault’ as Interpol Conspiracy Theories Get Wilder.

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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