Neo-Nazi Sites Love Ron Paul

Politics • Views: 4,938

The neo-Nazi sites are all lathered up about Ron Paul winning the CPAC straw poll.

And they’re not happy about LGF’s take on it. Not at all. Posted by one of the troglodytes at Stormfront today:

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Re: Ron Paul Wins CPAC Poll

There is a Jewish Supremacist hate site called “Little Green Footballs” and this kind of thing drives them crazy, because they PRETEND to be conservatives and when a real conservative and all-American man like Dr. Ron Paul wins so many conservative polls, they go crazy with whining.

Thesw LGF Jews are the most unpatriotic Israeli-first traitors the United States sees in the blogosphere. They are vile and disgusting rats. “Charles Johnson” is the shabbat goy that fronts this obvious Zionist hate site, and even if this “Charles Johnson” moron claims to be Christian, he could care less about Christianity in the Holy Land, which is getting wiped out by Zionists, and it fared far better under the Arabs before the Khazar (Ashkenazi) fakes came to the Middle East.
“At the height of segregation and apartheid under Hendrik Verwoerd, South Africa was almost as peaceful as Switzerland but she was immoral. Today we are the apotheosis of racial morality and political correctness, yet as violent as the Congo or Liberia.” — Dan Roodt

Before there can be “anti”-Semitism, there must be Semitism.

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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