Breaking: Qatari Citizen Tries to Set Off Explosive Device on United Flight - Update: A False Alarm?

US News • Views: 2,128

Just coming over the news wires: a Qatari citizen is under arrest after allegedly attempting to set off an explosive device on United Flight 663, originating in Washington DC, headed to Denver …

UPDATE at 4/7/10 7:36:35 pm:

It may have been a Qatari diplomat who was smoking in the bathroom, then wised off to an air marshall about “lighting his shoes…”

UPDATE at 4/7/10 7:45:05 pm:

The suspect has been named: Mohammed Al Modadi, a third or fourth ranking diplomat in the Qatari embassy in Washington.

UPDATE at 4/7/10 8:02:48 pm:

Yep. It was a really, really bad joke by a diplomat with a very large chip on his shoulder. No explosives were found.

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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