Glacier National Park Loses Two More Glaciers

Environment • Views: 2,369

Apparently the moving mountains of ice in the Rocky Mountains haven’t gotten the right wing message that global warming is a hoax, because Glacier National Park may soon need to change its name to “Ex-Glacier National Park:” Two More Glaciers Melt in Rockies.

Glacier National Park has lost two more of its glaciers and many of the rest may be gone by the end of the decade, a U.S. government researcher said.

Warmer temperatures have reduced the number of named glaciers in the Montana park to 25, Dan Fagre, an ecologist with the U.S. Geological Survey, said. Its largest remaining glacier is Harrison Glacier, which is about 465 acres, or 190 hectares, in size.

Some glaciers, such as in the Himalayas, could hold out for centuries. But more than 90 percent of glaciers worldwide are in retreat, with major losses in Alaska, the Alps and the Andes, researchers said. Ski resorts set atop glaciers in the Alps have taken measures to stave off the decline.

The area of the Rocky Mountains within Glacier National Park once boasted about 150 glaciers.

Reached for comment, wingnut blogger Hatey McHateful said, “Who cares? Fire up the F250, Sarah, we need some milk from the supermarket! Hurr hurr…”

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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