Tim Blair, Investigative Reporter

Blogosphere • Views: 13,462

Today, Australian climate change denier Tim Blair breaks a huge blog-related story that had somehow gone unnoticed before he began digging — Blair has uncovered the stunning fact that during the presidential election I was opposed to Barack Obama.

How did Blair discover this amazing amount of heretofore unknown evidence that I’ve changed my mind about Obama? Did he scour the web for deleted posts, diligently searching Google’s cache and the Internet Archive?

Well, actually, no. He searched LGF, using the search tool I programmed, and found a whole lot of posts written by me, all of which are still posted publicly. He must have spent hours finding things that aren’t hidden. Good work, fearless investigator!

I was very opposed to Obama during the election, yep, that’s right. And I’ve learned since then that most of the crap being circulated about Obama was just that — crap. He has not turned out to be a radical leftist at all, despite the continued screaming from the right. On the contrary, he’s shown himself to be a centrist on most issues, and the best evidence is that extremists on both the left and the right are angry at him.

If I had it to do over, I’d vote for Obama without hesitation. I’m very thankful that McCain and Palin aren’t in office.

I’m not even remotely ashamed to admit publicly that I’ve changed my mind about President Obama. And that’s obviously puzzling, confusing, and threatening to petrified brains like Blair’s.

UPDATE at 4/27/10 2:55:38 pm:

Tim Blair updates his post, struggles to understand how a human being can change an opinion, comes up blank:

Johnson hasn’t changed his mind about Obama; he’s changed his mind about his own coverage of Obama.

Which is supposed to be very bad, I think, but I’m not sure because Blair never actually makes a case for it being bad. Yep, I disagree with a lot of the posts I put up during the election. Most of the fears I had about Obama’s associations and foreign policies simply haven’t even come close to materializing.

That doesn’t mean I was wrong to bring up those subjects; during a presidential election, all information about the candidates should be discussed and brought out into the open. But it does mean that I’ve — and here’s the key concept that seems to elude Blair like a pesky buzzing fly of logic he just can’t swat — changed my opinions, due to experience and new information.

The horror.

(Blair calls me “son” in this slightly unhinged rant, which I believe indicates he’s getting a bit hot under his right wing dog collar.)

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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