Tea Party Organizer: ‘No Place’ for Racist Behavior

Wingnuts • Views: 3,505

On CNN’s American Morning, Jenny Beth Martin of Tea Party Patriots (who has evidently been coached to use the phrase “core values” as much as possible) says the tea parties don’t tolerate racist behavior.

FLV Video

Very few of the commenters at CNN are buying this; reactions to Martin’s statement range from fairly polite disagreement to open mockery.

And then we have this comment, posted by tea partier “Betty,” who seems a bit unclear on the right way to spin this one:

The tea partiers, DO NOT USE RACIST REMARKS!! However, you will see that the majority of racists remarks are made by the BLACKS themselves. Why? They just can not stand to see the tea partiers are without a doubt the least racist person in our nation. I am still waiting for the liar that said the tea partiers used several racist remarks during the rally in washington (Apr. 15th) I know that a million bucks has been offered for the video of the remarks, it will never appear because it is JUST NOT OUT THERE.. Shame on the blacks for being so racist. I know they (the blacks) are having a lot to swallow now that their black (Mulatto) president has turned out to be anything but a decent black man, I know they must really resent what the president has done, but, have no fear, we will vote him out along with some more lying democrats. Betty


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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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