Tech Note: Linkage Mutating into Diaries

Technology • Views: 3,567

Yeesh. When you’re moving text around among browsers and Javascript and PHP and MySQL, and when that text is coming from outside sources (copied and pasted from web pages by LGF users), sometimes the character encoding and translation issues can become … intense. Yes, I’m coding away at LGF Linkage again, and I think I finally have the worst of the character encoding issues whipped, but good.

Meanwhile, LGF Linkage is slowly morphing into a more free-form blog/diary system for LGF users. Instead of making each post be tied to just one link, similar to Digg or Reddit, each registered LGF user will now get his/her/its own blog, or diary, or whatever you want to call it. The URL field in the bookmarklet is now gone; instead, when you click the bookmarklet while viewing a web page, the URL of the page is inserted into the description field as an HTML link, followed by any text you selected. You can edit any of these fields, of course.

Coming next: you’ll be able to put tags on your posts, to further help in categorizing and searching, similar to the tags you see at the bottom of each LGF front page article.

“LGF Linkage” will need a new name, since it’s not so focused on single links, and I’m leaning toward “LGF Pages.”

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Create a PageThis is the LGF Pages posting bookmarklet. To use it, drag this button to your browser's bookmark bar, and title it 'LGF Pages' (or whatever you like). Then browse to a site you want to post, select some text on the page to use for a quote, click the bookmarklet, and the Pages posting window will appear with the title, text, and any embedded video or audio files already filled in, ready to go.
Or... you can just click this button to open the Pages posting window right away.
Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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