Ron Paul Springs to Son’s Defense

Politics • Views: 3,015

Not surprising, since Ron’s views on the Civil Rights Act are (at least publicly) even more extreme than Rand’s: Ron Paul Rises to Son’s Defense in Civil Rights Dust-Up.

It’s a conspiracy by the left, of course. Default wingnut response to setbacks.

Rep. Ron Paul said Thursday the criticism of his son Rand Paul’s comments regarding the 1964 Civil Rights Act is “unfair” and dismissed the fracas as an attempt by the left to hurt his son’s Senate campaign.

“I think it’s contrived because he’s done so well and the left has to knock him down,” the Texas Republican said.

Rand Paul, the GOP nominee in the Kentucky Senate race, ignited a political firestorm this week by suggesting he disagrees with the landmark civil rights law’s prohibition on segregation at privately owned facilities open to the public.

It’s not fair,” Ron Paul said, adding that as a parent it was hard to see his son pilloried on the national stage and to see his libertarian views characterized as racist.

I agree, it’s not fair. Especially when you consider that Ron Paul got all the way to the Presidential primary without the media noticing his extreme views on little things like civil rights, or his connections to the John Birch Society, etc, etc, ad nauseam. It’s really not fair that his son gets the third degree before he does.

Ron’s feeling pretty cocky these days, though, because he knows his GOP star is ascendant.

Ron Paul, who ran for president in 2008, dismissed the notion that Rand Paul’s controversial comments would cost him votes in the general election.

“My views tend to be controversial and my support continues to grow,” he said.

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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