What Right Wing Extremist Violence?

US News • Views: 6,549

A member of the far right sovereign citizen movement (and quack mortgage adviser) and his son were shot to death yesterday in Memphis in a gun battle with police, in which two police officers were also killed: Relatives ID West Memphis suspects.

A background search using the information from the website shows a Jerry Kane, born in Ohio in December of 1964 and most recently associated with addresses mainly in Ohio. The van, which authorities said had Ohio tags, was traced to New Vienna, Ohio, and a church called House of God’s Prayer, according to several sources.

That church’s address is associated with a deceased white supremacist named Harold R. Redfeairn, who the Associated Press reported in 2003 headed a chapter of the Church of Jesus Christ Christian in New Vienna. That church espoused views of the white-supremacist doctrine of Aryan Nations.

A story published by the Southern Poverty Law Center in Montgomery, Ala., on Redfeairn has the headline, “The Cop-Shooter.” The story said that in 1979, Redfeairn shot 22-year-old Dayton, Ohio, police officer Dave Koenig three times after Koenig had stopped him.

Where else do we find Jerry Kane on the web? Why, at Glenn Beck’s “9/12 Project” website, of course: Two exceptional nights with Jerry Kane! - successes surrounding Foreclosure & Credit Card Debt along with several interesting technologies! - The 9/12 Project (New York, NY) - Meetup.com. (Hat tip: KT.)

In other violent wingnut news today, a female census resister in Yuba City was shot to death by police when she pointed a shotgun at them and ignored orders to put it down: Woman shot, killed in Yuba City home.

A woman was shot by two police officers late Thursday in south Yuba City after she approached them with a shotgun and refused to put down her weapon, according to a department press release.

Victoria Helen Roger-Vasselin, 67, was shot by two Yuba City officers and pronounced dead at the scene.

Police were called to the 700 block of Mariner Loop after a U.S. Census worker was confronted by residents who pointed a firearm at the worker and said they would not answer any questions.

When officers arrived, a man identified as Lionel Patterson, 51, answered the door armed with a handgun. As the officers dealt with him, Roger-Vasselin approached with a shotgun and ignored the officers’ orders to put down the weapon. She advanced and continued to point the shotgun at the officers in a threatening manner, at which point the officers fired their service weapons.

(Hat tip: Shiplord Kirel.)

UPDATE at 5/21/10 12:22:34 pm:

Here’s Jerry Kane’s crackpot website (the password is “makeme”): Jerry Kane | Mortgage Fraud |How to Prevent Foreclosure. He was also a big fan of Alex Jones, of course; check under “Favorite Talkshoes.”

UPDATE at 5/21/10 12:25:38 pm:

Last month, you may remember, CNN commentator and CEO of redstate.com Erick Erickson advocated brandishing shotguns at census takers: Erick Erickson Threatens Any Census Taker with Wife’s Shotgun.

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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