Disgusting Racist Slurs of the Day

Politics • Views: 3,099

Today’s disgusting right wing racist is South Carolina Republican Senator Jake Knotts: S.C. Republicans condemn ‘raghead’ comment.

Of course they condemn it. You’re not supposed to use words like this. (In public.)

South Carolina Republicans were quick Thursday evening to condemn the remarks of a prominent Republican State Senator, Jake Knotts, who referred to a gubernatorial candidate as a “raghead” on an online political show today. [Knotts also referred to President Obama with the same term.]

Knotts, a foe of Governor Mark Sanford and his protege, State Rep. Nikki Haley, made the remark of Haley on the local webcast Pub Politics.�

Haley was born a Sikh, and the slur can refer to Arabs, Muslims, or those who — like Sikh men — wear turbans. She is a convert to Christianity.

UPDATE: The State, quoting people who watched the show, quotes Knotts as saying:�

“We already got one raghead in the White House, we don’t need a raghead in the governor’s mansion.”

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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