NY Landmark Committee Expected to Approve Park51

US News • Views: 2,757

The bigots who oppose the construction of the Park51 community center in lower Manhattan have been hoping to get the existing building, a former Burlington coat factory, designated a “landmark” — the only legal way they could stop the construction, since hatred and bigotry aren’t considered valid exceptions to the US Constitution.

Well, it’s not going to happen.

The Mosque�planned for Ground Zero is expected to pass a major hurdle Tuesday.

Board members at the Landmarks Preservation Commission intend to vote unanimously against granting protected status to the 152-year-old building that would be knocked down to make way for the project, the Daily News has learned.

The Italianate building on Park Place, two blocks north of Ground Zero, simply does not meet architectural criteria for protection from the city, sources with knowledge of the issue said.

“The building is not worthy,” a source said. “It does not rise to the level of an individual landmark.”

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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