What’s In A Name?

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The Palestinian girls’ high school named after terrorist Dalal Mughrabi is changing its name in order to receive US aid for renovations: Renaming after terrorist almost cost school US funding.

Neither USAID nor ANERA was informed after the school decided to name itself after Mughrabi. An official at ANERA confirmed the name had been changed back.

“They changed the name back. So there’s no issue anymore. The US embassy has been made aware of it,” Philip Davies, vice president of ANERA said.

Riiight. No problem now. Let the dollars flow!

When the administration of a girls’ school chooses to rename it after a famous female terrorist (a monster who tossed a baby into a burning bus) one might ask whether the name is a symptom of a much deeper problem in that school and many others in the Palestinian Authority.

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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