SFSU Appeases Arab Students

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After a disgraceful anti-Semitic near-riot earlier this year, San Francisco State University has come up with an idea to improve relations between Jewish and Arab students.

They want to create a new Arab and Islamic studies program.

And speaking of disgraceful, here’s how the SF Chronicle describes the confrontation:

Tensions between pro-Israeli and pro-Palestinian students flared May 7 during a rally that drew 400 people. Although largely peaceful, the event was marred when a handful of demonstrators on both sides verbally clashed.

Once again, Arab students are given a free pass for the most disgusting racism. Even worse; in the ass-backward world of academic political correctness, they will actually be rewarded with a new Arab studies program.

Here’s an account of what really happened on May 7 at Meryl Yourish’s weblog.

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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