Right Wing Bloggers on Stomping: It Was Faked, It Was Staged, She Deserved It

Wingnuts • Views: 12,639

I don’t want to believe the ugly comments at almost every right wing blog about the woman assaulted by Rand Paul supporters last night. Has the entire wingnut blogosphere turned into a pack of rabid animals?

Jim “Dim” Hoft thinks Lauren Valle deserved to be stomped on the head, and he’s digging into her background to prove it: UNHINGED LEFTIST Who Lunged at Rand Paul Is Paid Far Left Activist.

Ann Althouse immediately tried to claim the incident was staged: Finally some good news for Democrats.

And then there’s Free Republic:

The left gets a taste of their own medicine. Sorry, at this point I have no pity…I’d like to stomp a few myself…


My thoughts are there is a smelly rat involved. We all know how much they lie.


per the photo - it’s on her upper back / shoulder area as to contain her…

I love it whent he leftist cry like little babies when they don’t get their way - and the press writes this article as if completely shocked…

The media and the socialist need to grow up - this isn’t 6th grade anymore…adult US citizens have had enough of glorified hollywood types fromt eh media and other org’s like Move On telling them what’s best for them…

she got exactly what she dished out -


A whole lot more of the commies should be on the ground bleeding…..


She was in disguise and attempted to approach Rand Paul. How would they know her intent? They should have stripped her down to make sure she didn’t have a bomb or gun on her.


Clearly a case of assault with intent… this bitch was a hit bitch from soros. I hope she suffered some sort of permanent damage.


Lets see….she is a liberal so she is already a) Ugly, and 2) brain damaged.

I can’t figure out what more you can do to liberals other than driving a stake through their heart and setting them on fire in the sunlight.


I dont have a problem with this…

I dont F’ing care if the leftists do…

Honestly, Im game for putting any leftist POS who even thinks about acting stupid in the GD hospital.

It is NOT our fault it had to come to this. but it HAS come to this and its our duty to MAKE them understand that its in their best interests to go the F away. We have always been able to put these people down but have shied away from it because we know that once we start to cross that bridge we have to go all the way. We gave up A LOT to avoid this from happening but the F’ers just kept on pushing… Now they have pushed us onto that bridge and we ARE going to cross it. Enough is enough…

Act like a F’ing IDIOT at your own peril.


I’d have shot the b**** and been done with it.

It goes on and on in that vein, for hundreds more comments.

At Hot Air a few people are not down with stomping MoveOn activists, but a lot of them are cheering:

This patchouli wearing, no shaving socialist will be the darling of the morning commie news shows tomorrow.


Most likely another MoveOn thug in disguise. Let’s see how fast they find him.


Miss Valle is a professional protestor utilized by moveon.org, Greenpeace and others. She’s been arrested several times now. She knew rushing Paul would invoke a response by his supporters. Nice that there was a camera RIGHT on the scene to capture this event huh?




I still see nothing wrong.

Next time this happens and someone doesn’t knock the B*tch out, I’ll probably regret, but i’ll crack a smile when her bomb goes off.


Sorry to say it, but Our Idiot President’s stupid rhetoric only inflames these people.


So this protestor who got stomped on was with moveon.org?

And the problem with this is………..?


War is he11. And move on dot org declared war on America a long time ago.

The beeyotch is a professional agitator. Now if she were run over by a D9, that would be newsworthy. But this?

{Tap, tap, tap} Crap, my givead*mn meter’s on the fritz again.


Who the h*ll knows what was in her hands,
after all,she could of been trained,er,
educated by Ayers for gawd sakes!!!!

There’s more, of course, but I can only handle reading so much rabid vitriol.

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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