Arizona’s Pima County Wants to Secede (from Arizona)

Tired of hoping for rationality from the state legislature
US News • Views: 32,024

A political committee has been formed in Arizona’s Pima County, to advocate secession.

From Arizona, because they’re sick of the far right loons who’ve taken over Arizona’s politics.

Co-chair Paul Eckerstrom said it’s not a joke and not a political statement. He said the state legislature has gone too far to the right, particularly with a round of measures to challenge federal supremacy.

“This really does border on them saying they don’t want to be part of the Union any longer,” he said. “Well, I want to be part of the United States.”

He said at a minimum, it will send a message that Pima County doesn’t want to go along with the priorities being outlined in Phoenix. He said Pima County has more land and more people than several other states.

“It’s no longer a laughing matter to me,” Eckerstrom said. “My kids’ futures are at stake because if this continues, the economic ramifications could be very dire. I’m tired of hoping and praying that rationality will come to Phoenix.”

(h/t: wrenchwench.)

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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