Republicans Sponsor 9 Creationism Bills in 7 States in the First 3 Months of 2011

Take America back! (To the 17th century.)
Science • Views: 19,276

In addition to all the other wonderful things Republicans have been doing lately (union-busting, misogynistic anti-abortion legislation, tax breaks for the richest, keeping gays down), they’ve also introduced a record number of bills that promote the teaching of creationism in science classes as a valid alternative to evolution. Sometimes these are presented as “academic freedom” bills, to mask the true intent with a phony lofty-sounding name, but sometimes they don’t even try to hide their outright young earth creationism.

In the first three months of 2011, Republicans in seven states have introduced at least nine bills intended to destroy the science education of America’s children: 9 Bills That Would Put Creationism in the Classroom.


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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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