Wisconsin GOP Abuses Open Records Act to Intimidate UW-Madison Professor

The dirtiest kind of politics
Politics • Views: 26,474

In a thuggish attempt at intimidation, the Wisconsin Republican Party has launched a legal effort to gain access to all of the emails written by UW-Madison history professor William Cronon, after he wrote a blog post titled “Who’s Really Behind Recent Republican Legislation in Wisconsin and Elsewhere?” and an op-ed for the New York Times.

Cronon has a detailed and passionate response to the Wisconsin GOP’s attempt to silence him: Abusing Open Records to Attack Academic Freedom.

This isn’t the first time Republicans have abused their power in order to bully and intimidate academics or scientists; similar tactics have been used against climate scientist Michael Mann, to try to discredit his work on climate change.


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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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