GOP Budget: No More Color Copies for the Pentagon

Republicans want to slash social programs to the bone, but barely touch the Pentagon
Politics • Views: 22,643

The GOP unveiled their vision for the future of America today.

It will be a place where there are virtually no social safety nets and no health care, tax cuts for the wealthiest, and endless funds for warfare: GOP’s Plan to Cut Defense: No More Color Copies!

As usual with today’s GOP, their budget also contains a hefty dose of magical thinking. (What some might call bullshit.)

The Republican budget’s economic projections are rosy, including growth rates of over 3 percent for the next three years. An analysis performed by the conservative Heritage Foundation at Ryan’s request found the unemployment rate would be reduced to 4 percent in 2015 by Ryan’s budget, an incredibly low number when many economists believe the economy will not return to so-called “full employment” of about 5 percent until years after that.

And they’re preparing to hold the entire country hostage to try to ram this nonsense through: House GOP to distribute shutdown plan.

Republican leaders are preparing the House for a government shutdown, as they plan to distribute a pamphlet about the mechanics of a partial congressional work-stoppage to all lawmakers’ offices Tuesday morning, according to several senior House aides.

It’s the strongest signal yet that House Speaker John Boehner believes the White House and Congress could fail to strike a deal on a long-term funding bill before the government’s authority to spend money runs out on Friday. Talks came to a standstill Monday, amid amplified partisan recriminations.

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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