The Republican Party’s War Against the Environment

Next in the target sights: the EPA
Wingnuts • Views: 25,029

We’ve been noticing this disturbing development on the right wing for quite a while, and today the New York Times has a piece on the Republican Party’s deranged attacks on the Environmental Protection Agency.

Representative Michele Bachmann of Minnesota wants to padlock the E.P.A.’s doors, as does former Speaker Newt Gingrich. Gov. Rick Perry of Texas wants to impose an immediate moratorium on environmental regulation.

Representative Ron Paul of Texas wants environmental disputes settled by the states or the courts. Herman Cain, a businessman, wants to put many environmental regulations in the hands of an independent commission that includes oil and gas executives. Jon M. Huntsman Jr., the former Utah governor, thinks most new environmental regulations should be shelved until the economy improves.

Only Mitt Romney, the former Massachusetts governor, has a kind word for the E.P.A., and that is qualified by his opposition to proposed regulation of carbon dioxide and other gases that contribute to global warming.


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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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