Tech Note: Expiration Dates for LGF Polls

Set a sell-by date
LGF • Views: 29,216

We’re tweaking the poll creation feature of our LGF Pages app, and the latest addition is an expiration date. When someone loads a Page with a poll that’s past the date, they’ll see a message saying the poll is “closed,” and won’t be able to vote. (The results will still be displayed.)

To set the date and time you can either click inside the field labeled ‘Expiration date’ or on the calendar icon to the right, and you’ll see a popup date- and time-picker that looks something like this (in fact, it looks exactly like this):

As you click on the dates in the calendar, and use the sliders to adjust the time, you’ll see the date/time appear in the ‘Expiration date’ field. Typing in this field is disabled; all date/time entry is done with the calendar popup.

Note: since LGF’s servers are located in the Central US time zone, you’ll need to do a simple adjustment based on where you are. For example, if you’re on the East Coast, and set an expiration date of 08:00:00 (8 am), the poll will expire at 9 am on the East Coast — since Central time is one hour behind Eastern time. So if you East Coasters want a poll to expire at 8 am in Manhattan, you would set the time to 07:00:00.

If you decide you don’t want an expiration date after all, click the ‘Clear’ button and the date will be blanked out. And there you have it: LGF Polls with sell-by dates.

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Or... you can just click this button to open the Pages posting window right away.
Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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