Andrew Breitbart’s Race-Baiting Fake Outrage Du Jour

Still more race-baiting from the right wing sleaze bag
Wingnuts • Views: 30,850

This morning, Andrew Breitbart is peddling yet another race-baiting fake outrage: » Shock Photos: Candidate Obama Appeared And Marched With New Black Panther Party in 2007 - Big Government.

It’s a classic example of Breitbart’s sleazy smear tactics. Notice that in his whole long overheated screed, Breitbart never actually tells you what this event was about. The headline and story strongly imply that the New Black Panther Party sponsored the event, and were walking hand-in-hand with Obama. The evidence is … one photo of Obama standing at a podium, and one photo of NBPP leader Malik Shabazz at the same podium. At different times.

Very scary angry black radical
Very scary angry black radical

So what was this mysterious and very scary event that the evil leftist media is trying to cover up?

It was a commemoration of the 1965 Voting Rights March and “Bloody Sunday” in Selma, a historic moment in the civil rights movement, and there were at least 10,000 people there, including President Bill Clinton and his wife Hillary. The evil media tried to cover up Obama’s participation by writing dozens of stories about it; for example, this article in little-known publication TIME Magazine: Clintons, Obama Cross Paths in Selma - TIME.

The bridge to voting rights was crossed Sunday by the Democrats’ top two vote seekers. Senator Hillary Clinton and Senator Barack Obama marched over the infamous Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Ala., site of “Bloody Sunday” in 1965, an historic moment in the civil rights battle.

A shirt-sleeved Obama pushed Birmingham civil rights legend Reverend Fred Shuttlesworth along the route in a wheelchair. On the opposite side, Hillary and Bill Clinton linked arms with Al Sharpton and Congressman John Lewis, a civil rights leader who annually organizes the Voting Rights March reenactment.

The two candidates criss-crossed each other all day, but spoke only briefly. They smiled and sang along with the marchers along the path. While the original march in 1965 was met midway on the bridge by law enforcement, who beat the participants, today, all stopped for prayer at the site before crossing the bridge. Selma police estimated a crowd of 10,000 turned out to view and participate in the march.

Strange way to cover something up. But of course, Breitbart isn’t writing for people who care about facts and logic — he’s stoking up the racist rage of the right wing base by relentlessly trying to portray President Obama as an angry black radical who hates white people. And his audience responds like Pavlov’s dogs, with a deluge of whining and complaining that they’re being falsely accused of racism, mixed in with numerous openly racist remarks, conspiracy theories, and bigotry of all kinds. As usual.

He cares about color - he hates white people.


Don’t forget, Obamao is half whitey! He must really hate himself!!! Does this make him a self-hating Whyte?!!


America elected the first black supremacist president! What a milestone!

I wonder how much hs black half hates his white half.


White guilt will get you killed.


Now, can you imagine our country should Obama be reelected? A gangsta president without any accountability to the American people?


I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that he’s a member of the Muslim Brotherhood…


Ok, so we oughtin’ to impeach him, we oughta hang him is what yer sayin’?

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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