Fox News ‘Clarifies’ Bogus Obama Apology Story

Caught pushing propaganda again
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As we noted a few days ago, the entire right wing media and blogosphere — all of them — fell for yet another fake outrage: the false claim that President Obama had offered to apologize to Japan for the bombing of Hiroshima in WWII.

Fox News, of course, quickly spread the bogus anti-Obama story far and wide before anyone could notice that it was a complete fraud, thereby ensuring that it would become a right wing article of faith, impervious to logic or facts.

When Mediaite’s Tommy Christopher contacted them about their deceptive coverage, Fox News decided to have dim bulb Steve Doocy “clarify” the issue.

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I hope no one’s holding their breath waiting for the rest of the right wing universe to own up to their part in circulating a completely false story.

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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