PAC Formed to Promote Passage of Equal Rights Amendment

Team Uterati
Politics • Views: 21,759

Imani Gandy, known to the Internets as “Angry Black Lady,” is launching a PAC to promote passage of the Equal Rights Amendment — a worthy cause that deserves our support.

May 7, 2012 – People Organizing for Women’s Rights (POWR) was created with the goal of uniting women across the nation to encourage passage of the Equal Rights Amendment, Imani Gandy, president of POWR, announced today.

“Most people don’t know that it is not unconstitutional to deny women equality under the law. But, as Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia recently pointed out to us, the Constitution does not prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex,” said Ms. Gandy.

“This is why we are seeing a flood of bills come out of state legislatures attacking women. This is why we have to struggle to protect what progress we have made every time election season rolls around. This is why it is still legal to pay women less than men, to discriminate against mothers seeking jobs, and restrict the availability of health care services for women. This is why our bodies become political footballs and bargaining chips whenever other issues are raised. Women are tired of this. We want better for the daughters of America, and we mean to give it to them,” Ms. Gandy added.

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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