Glenn Beck’s ‘The Blaze’ Readers Spew Hatred and Racism at Michelle Obama

What right wing racism?
Wingnuts • Views: 41,330

A Washington DC police officer is in trouble today for making threatening comments toward First Lady Michelle Obama, and at Glenn Beck’s fake news site “The Blaze,” this is the cue for right wing commenters to spew torrents of hatred and racism: DC Metropolitan Police Department Officer Demoted to Desk Duty After Threatening to Shoot Michelle Obama |

The article itself is fairly level-headed — but the comments read like what you’ll find at a neo-Nazi site like Stormfront, full of racial slurs, threats, and applause for the policeman, with racist comments posted right next to complaints that they’re being falsely labeled as racists.

Maybe he just wanted to do a porno shoot of her. I don’t know why anyone would but there are a lot of very sick videos on the Internet.


Wookie porn?


The cop tries to inject some humor and get’s demoted,he can count himself lucky if that’s all that happens to him. Barry‘s gay lovers were executed prior to his installation in 08 so the cop should be grateful he’s still vertical.

Marxist‘s like our bi president don’t take kindly to threats and both Obama’s have done grievous harm to our republic,and his firing is critical.


Nothing that most folks think to themselves everyday…

Well except for PC White Guilt Obama Voting Morons and Wellfare Queens……


Obama is like the Pied Piper and the left are the rodents being taken to their own destruction not realizing the danger this man has put the country in. What will happen when God removes his blessings , I shudder to think.


I can’t say that I blame this guy for his feelings about the Obummers.


I bet there are thousands, if not millions who secretly feel the same as this guy about the Obummers. He said what a lot of people are thinking.


Millions of US tax payer dollars wasted on her grandiose vacations… she is ghetto-rich, she thinks she won the lotto and as long as she’s in the WH she is spending it like water


Odummy and Moochelle are your typical renters. Once they are put on the street by the Landlords in November, they will tear the White House up and steal everthing they can get their grubby hands on. They will be PO’d at everyone and everything, they will let OUR house go to pot and become thieves. Remember the pics of Barry with his feet on the desk? It’s just another Section 8 dwelling to them.


There have been reports from Secret Service how she treats them like her slaves. She is running a race to see how much she can spend of taxpayers’ monies before she is run out of the White House.


The lying fat A** liberal bit*c has no right to demand dignity and or respect both are earned. She is nothing but a racist loud mouth.wanta to be. It will take months to get her stench out of the white house when her racist husband is voted out.


They will eagerly go to Kenya or some other African or muslime country where those folks will take care of their business with the obamamama clan. Better still, they have a face-to-face scheduled with GOD. Would love to see that, but I have my own to worry about….


more like Flotus the prize sow from out in the hog lot out back. spoiled and pampered. until the November day she becomes sausage, loins, chops, bacon and hams.


carry on nothing to see..if 2012 dosn’t help someone from a grassy knoll might..


Now if we could get moochelle and the moochetes to stop spitting watermelon seeds and thowing chiken bones on the whitehouse lawn then things should start to settle down.


Aren’t the silver back gorillas endangered?

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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