Today’s Outrage

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Questions for our Canadian readers: my God. How did this condescending, insensitive, politically moronic airhead a—hole ever become your Prime Minister? And how soon can you vote his sorry carcass out of office?

He’s more French than the French.

This kind of talk is most definitely not going to improve relations between the US and Canada:

OTTAWA - Jean Chrétien has linked the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks to perceived Western greed and arrogance and said the United States should not use its position as the world’s only superpower to humiliate people in poorer nations.

In an interview that aired last night on CBC-TV, the Prime Minister for the first time suggested the strikes against New York and Washington stemmed from a growing international anger at the way the United States flexes its muscle around the globe.

“You cannot exercise your powers to the point of humiliation for the others. That is what the Western world — not only the Americans, the Western world — has to realize. Because they are human beings too. There are long-term consequences,” Mr. Chrétien said in the pre-taped interview.

“And I do think that the Western world is getting too rich in relation to the poor world and necessarily will be looked upon as being arrogant and self-satisfied, greedy and with no limits. The 11th of September is an occasion for me to realize it even more.”

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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