Shoe Bomber Mouths Off

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Shoe bomb suspect (gotta call him a “suspect” even though he was caught trying to light his shoes) Richard Reid is talking about his motives.

BOSTON, Sept. 12 — A man accused of trying to blow up an airliner with explosives in his shoes told FBI interrogators he was driven by anger over the treatment of Muslims in Israel, transcripts of the interrogations show.

Richard Reid, 29, a British citizen and convert to Islam, told investigators that he traveled in June 2001 to Jerusalem’s Al Aqsa Mosque, and was angered to see “Jews with guns” inside.

“His trip to Jerusalem further emboldened him to act against the west when he witnessed the many checkpoints and travel restrictions on Muslims,” one interrogation transcript says.

Asked why he didn’t choose to attack Israel, Reid told investigators, “America is the problem, without America there would be no Israel.” He also said he was worried Palestinian groups would be too paranoid to trust him.

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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