TX GOP Rep. Gohmert: Obama “Helped Jump-Start a New Ottoman Empire”

Dumbest person in Congress
Wingnuts • Views: 53,807

According to my careful analysis, Texas Rep. Louie “Terror Babies” Gohmert is the Dumbest Person in Congress, and he proves it again with this crazy rant accusing President Obama of “jump-starting a new Ottoman Empire.”

It’s doubtful that Gohmert actually knows anything about the Ottoman Empire, except that it somehow involves Muslims, which makes it scary and bad.

This man is an idiotRep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) took to the House Floor today to declare that President Obama is helping to start a “new Ottoman Empire,” as seen in his decisions to end the war in Iraq, which Gohmert said means losing the war, and to topple Muammar Gaddafi’s dictatorship in Libya. Gohmert warned that we are witnessing the “massive beginning of a new Ottoman Empire that President Obama can take great credit for.” “Wow look what he has helped do in the Middle East, a new Ottoman Empire,” Gohmert said, “thank you President Barack Hussein Obama.” Gohmert added that he didn’t know if Obama is or is not a Christian, adding, “what I do know is that he has helped jump-start a new Ottoman Empire.”


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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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