New NRA Pres: “Y’All Might Call It the Civil War, but We Call It the War of Northern Aggression”

Reactionary gun nut to head group of reactionary gun nuts
Wingnuts • Views: 32,774

Would you believe that the new president of the National Rifle Association, James Porter, is a right wing kook who thinks he’s on the front lines in a “culture war?”

HOUSTON (AP) — National Rifle Association members are fighting a “culture war” that stretches beyond gun rights, the organization’s incoming president said Friday.

First Vice President James Porter will take over the top job Monday. On Friday, he gave short speech to a grassroots organizing meeting at the powerful gun lobby’s national convention in Houston.

“This is not a battle about gun rights,” Porter said, calling it “a culture war.”

“(You) here in this room are the fighters for freedom. We are the protectors,” said Porter, whose father was NRA president from 1959-1960, according to the organization’s website.

And would you also believe that he’s a neo-Confederate who calls the Civil War the “War of Northern Aggression?”

The NRA was started, 1871, right here in New York state. It was started by some Yankee generals who didn’t like the way my southern boys had the ability to shoot in what we call the “War of Northern Aggression.” Now, y’all might call it the Civil War, but we call it the War of Northern Aggression down south.

But that was the very reason that they started the National Rifle Association, was to teach and train the civilian in the use of the standard military firearm. And I am one who still feels very strongly that that is one of our most greatest charges that we can have today, is to train the civilian in the use of the standard military firearm, so that when they have to fight for their country they’re ready to do it. Also, when they’re ready to fight tyranny, they’re ready to do it. Also, when they’re ready to fight tyranny, they have the wherewithal and the weapons to do it.

Yes, the NRA is about to get even more extreme, if you can believe that. And I know you can. This good ol’ son of the Confederacy and his organization are in control of America’s insane gun policies.

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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