Military Coup Ousts Egyptian President Morsi

Muslim Brotherhood, denied
Middle East • Views: 25,648

Big changes in Egypt, but in a way it’s a return to the bad old days. I’m not sad in the least to see the people rise up and toss out the Muslim Brotherhood, but the words “military coup” don’t inspire a warm, safe feeling either: Morsy Out in Egypt Coup.

Cairo (CNN) — Egypt’s military deposed the country’s first democratically elected president Wednesday night, installing the head of the country’s highest court as an interim leader, the country’s top general announced.

Gen. Abdel-Fatah El-Sisi said the military was fulfilling its “historic responsibility” to protect the country by ousting Mohamed Morsy, the Western-educated Islamist leader elected a year ago. The country’s constitution has been suspended, new parliamentary elections will be held and Adly Mansour, the head of the country’s Supreme Constitutional Court, will replace Morsy, El-Sisi said.


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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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