Bryan Fischer Recycles an Especially Dopey Jim Hoft Conspiracy Theory

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Wingnuts • Views: 20,016


American Family Association caveman Bryan Fischer came out with a real winner today, his special theory that Barack Obama was photoshopped into the situation room in the famous bin Laden raid photo.

We should note that Bryan didn’t come up with this idiotic idea all by himself, though. Bryan is recycling a 2-year old conspiracy theory first floated by … YES! The Dumbest Man on the Internet, Jim Hoft.

In December 2011 this brain dead fantasy was a featured LGF post: Jim Hoft’s Idiotic Post of the Week: Obama Photoshopped Into Situation Room.

And so the circle of derp will be unbroken — from the febrile imagination of Jim Hoft directly to the religious fanatic ravings of Bryan Fischer. Conspiracies without end, amen.

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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