More Video of STL County Officer Dan Page: “Police Hire Blacks Because They’re Eager to Kill White People”

Bad craziness with authority
US News • Views: 26,575


Here’s video of Dan Page, the St. Louis County Police officer who was put on administrative leave after his bizarre sovereign citizen views and outright racism became public, spewing all kinds of End Times conspiracy theories. An especially interesting part begins at about 27:00, when Page says the military and police departments only make special efforts to recruit young black men because they’re willing to use lethal force against white people.

One of the things that’s become very clear in the Michael Brown story, and with the hundreds of ugly racist comments posted on police discussion forums and in the crowd-funding page for officer Darren Wilson, is that the police forces of St. Louis County and Ferguson, Missouri have a very serious problem with white supremacism in their ranks.

This shouldn’t be too surprising or controversial, because according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, Missouri is home to at least 23 hate groups.

(h/t: @Erinescence.)

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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