Jim Hoft’s Latest Ugly Lie: Says Video Advocating Peaceful Protest “Threatens Violence and Destruction”

Hoft lies even when it’s easily checked
Wingnuts • Views: 26,842


In Jim Hoft’s latest appallingly stupid and dishonest post, he flat-out lies about the video above: Latest #Ferguson Video Threatens More Violence & Destruction | the Gateway Pundit.

Hoft picks out a photo to accompany the video showing tear gas canisters going off, but the image is not from the video, and has nothing to do with it. Here’s how Hoft describes this video, in his usual clumsy, hateful way:

One of the latest video productions from Ferguson features a young teenager from Ferguson at the rallies for “justice.” Teen Shame Flowers warns that there will be more violence and destruction if Officer Darren Wilson is not indicted for the murder of Michael Brown.

First, this teenager’s name is “Shane,” not “Shame.”

Second, there is not a single point in the video at which Shane Flowers “warns there will be more violence and destruction.” In fact, the message of the video is exactly opposite to Hoft’s dishonest description. Flowers talks only about peaceful protests, and other young men in the video explicitly say the rioting was wrong.

Watch it for yourself and see. It’s a really moving short documentary with a purely positive message, and it’s not at all about threats or violence.

Jim Hoft isn’t just the Dumbest Man on the Internet, he’s also the Most Dishonest — and he’s doing his best to poison the discourse around this issue.

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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