Jim Hoft Repeats the Right Wing Lie of the Week: That Nurse Kaci Hickox Hid Her CDC Job

Horrible people doing horrible things to decent people
Wingnuts • Views: 41,843

Here we go again, as the Dumbest Man on the Internet, the inestimable Jim Hoft, takes the ball of lies inflated by Chuck C. Johnson and runs with it: BREAKING: Ebola Nurse’s Ties to CDC Scrubbed From Website - Is Far Left Progressive & Obama Supporter | the Gateway Pundit.

(Ever notice that everything is always “breaking” at Hoft’s idiotic site?)

Hoft is calling nurse Kaci Hickox a “far left progressive” because she registered as a Democrat and supported Obama for President. Which makes more than half the country “far left progressives” in Jim’s benighted brain.

But what he’s really trying to sell in this typically deceptive post is that Hickox is trying to hide her employment at the CDC. Why would anyone do that? It’s a good thing to work for the CDC, not a bad thing. But in the universe of the DMOTI, everything becomes a conspiracy.

Hoft makes a big deal out of the fact that Ms Hickox deleted her LinkedIn account. And it’s true, she did. Now why would she do that?

The answer is appallingly obvious: because people like Jim Hoft and Chuck C. Johnson and their legion of mouth-breathing swivel-eyed loons are stealing her photos and scouring her Internet history for something to twist and distort and smear her with.

So Kaci Hickox deleted her LinkedIn account to protect herself against these horrible people’s dishonest attacks — and then they dishonestly attack her for deleting it.

I’d advise any health worker, especially those who work with the CDC or Doctors Without Borders, to delete their social media accounts, at least until this craziness subsides. Right wingers are stalking them, and they have a right to protect themselves as much as possible.

Hoft also repeats Chuck C. Johnson’s outright lie that Hickox didn’t disclose her CDC connection in her op-ed for the Dallas Morning News, which we already showed was completely false; in fact, it was disclosed in the very first paragraph of that article, and it’s also been disclosed in many other places.

Nobody is trying to hide this. But right wing bloggers are flat out lying about it, because they know the dumbed-down masses of Fox News viewers won’t even bother to check before spreading the lies.

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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