Will Joni Ernst “Make ‘Em Squeal” in Her State of the Union Response?

Castration as political metaphor
Politics • Views: 29,611

Well, the Republican Party has chosen the person they think most represents their party to give the State of the Union response, and it’s hog-castrating Tea Party extremist Joni Ernst.

Because nothing says rebranding like a loon who ran on the slogan “Make ‘em squeal!”

At this point anyone who follows politics could probably write Ernst’s speech in advance; they always say the same things. The only real question is: will Joni brandish her ceremonial hog castrating device at this shindig?

Stay tuned for the next exciting chapter in the Republican Party’s continuing descent into far right bad craziness.

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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