Chuck C. Johnson’s Birther Extravaganza on Twitter: “Note the Hands”

The Ginger Avenger goes loony
Wingnuts • Views: 31,042

As we’ve documented here at LGF, blogger (and stalker) Chuck C. Johnson has long been carrying on a flirtation with the bizarre and essentially racist right wing conspiracy theory that’s come to be known as “Birtherism.” In May of last year, he spoke at an event in Pacific Palisades, California, with the queen bee of the Birther movement, Orly Taitz, and according to Taitz’s account he explicitly came out in support of Birtherism and said he had discovered evidence that Barack Obama was not really a US citizen.

After this speaking engagement was exposed, Johnson issued some weak, equivocal denials that he was a Birther. But last night on Twitter, the whole thing came flooding out of him like a noxious confession. Here are the tweets he posted; it’s right wing inadvertent comedy at its best. (Or worst, depending on your viewpoint.)

Chuck began this crazed tirade by suggesting Sasha Obama was actually the daughter of Jesse Jackson Jr., then expressed his fear that he would be murdered if he published what he really knew. Then he said Barack Obama didn’t actually write his autobiography “Dreams from My Father” (he has previously said it was written by, yes, Bill Ayers).

But the really hilarious part of this deluge of insanity began when he posted photographs of Obama’s early years with the portentous instruction, “Note the hands.”


(Note that embedded timelines display tweets in reverse chronological order; the most recent ones are at the top.)

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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