Rudy Giuliani: I Can’t Be a Racist Because Obama Had a White Mom

Politics • Views: 27,203

Yes, Rudy’s back, trying like hell to explain away his ugly remarks about President Obama and ending up sounding very, very incoherent.

Giuliani, a former New York City mayor and one-time presidential candidate, insisted that Obama doesn’t love the United States because he “doesn’t express a great love of this country” and criticizes the United States at home and abroad, an outlook on the U.S. that Giuliani tied to Obama’s upbringing.

“President Obama was brought up in an atmosphere in which he was taught to be a critic of America,” Giuliani said in a phone interview with CNN. “That is a distinction with prior American presidents.”

But still, Obama is patriotic even if he doesn’t love America, Giuliani said, pointing out that “there have been an awful lot of patriots who were critics.”

Giuliani’s definition of patriotism? “Someone who is dedicated to the principles of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” and the U.S. Constitution.


And while the former mayor said he believes Obama is committed to those principles and the constitution, he said he didn’t “detect” a love of country in Obama and “honestly” doesn’t know whether Obama does.

“Honestly, I don’t and you don’t know what he truly believes. I’m talking about the way that he expresses himself. I can’t tell you what’s within his heart,” Giuliani said.

Maybe Obama doesn’t have “as romantic a view” of the United States as past presidents, Giuliani suggested.

What does that even mean? He doesn’t love America but he’s a patriot but Rudy doesn’t know whether he loves America or not but he’s not romantic like other presidents but… wha?

Oh, but he isn’t finished blathering yet…

“There’s a real attempt to make it a racial criticism. It has nothing to do with race,” Giuliani said, pointing out that “he was brought up by the way by a white mother and white grandparents.”

Since Obama was raised by a white mother and grandparents, that means Rudy Giuliani can’t possibly be a racist?

Is there a planet somewhere in the galaxy on which this makes some kind of sense? Good freaking grief.

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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