Mike Huckabee and Ted Cruz Are Openly Advocating for a Theocratic Government

The state of Republican politics
Politics • Views: 57,741

Separation of church and state? Are you kidding? Get out of here with that antiquated nonsense! What was Thomas Jefferson thinking, anyway?

In 2015, the leading Republican candidates for president of the United States are going all out for the evangelical vote, and they’re openly advocating for a theocratic government.

MILNER, Ga. (AP) — Republican presidential candidates Ted Cruz and Mike Huckabee went head-to-head for evangelical votes July 5, telling a megachurch congregation in Georgia that God favors the United States but warning that the nation is on a perilous spiritual path because of actions like the Supreme Court decision legalizing same-sex marriage in all 50 states.

Huckabee, who enjoyed evangelical support on his way to winning eight states in his 2008 White House bid, called the ruling “radical” and “illegal.”

“I want to serve notice that the Supreme Court is just the supreme of the court system that is one of the three equal branches of government,” Huckabee told hundreds of members of Rock Springs Church in a rural area outside metro Atlanta. “It is not the supreme branch, and it most certainly is not the supreme being.”

Cruz, the Texas senator, said a five-justice majority “ignored the text of the Constitution” and said the cascade of judicial and public support for same-sex marriage threatens religious liberty in America. He said he hopes the ruling “serves as a spark, to start a fire that becomes a raging inferno as the body of Christ stands up to defend the values that have built America.”

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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