Worst Idea Ever? “Swastika Rehabilitation Day”

Not gonna happen
WTF • Views: 64,591

There are so many bad ideas floating around the Internet that it’s basically impossible to pick out one and say this is the worst idea ever. But I think I’ve stumbled across one that has to be in the top (or bottom) five.

Without further ado, allow me to present… International Swastika Rehabilitation Day.

It’s today, folks.

These people don’t appear to be neo-Nazis and this doesn’t look like a hate group. They point out that the swastika has been used by many religions throughout history as a symbol of “well-being.” And this is true.

But somebody who cares about these well-meaning folks needs to pull them aside and gently break it to them that THIS ISN’T GOING TO HAPPEN.

Good intentions, road to hell, you know the drill.

UPDATE at 7/11/15 12:37:18 pm by Charles Johnson

But wait, it gets better! (Or worse, as the case may be.) A WHOIS lookup on this domain name reveals that it’s owned by… wait for it… the International Raelian Movement. Which explains a lot. (h/t: CuriousLurker.)

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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